Bri Healthy on NBC’s CT Live!

 I had the best time on NBC’s CT Live this morning talking all about why self-love is the most important part of any health journey and giving some tips on how to start living your healthy lifestyle in an easy way today! 

I’m so honored to have been on the show, especially because one of the co-hosts, Taylor Kinzler, and I were each other’s first friends in college! Especially at a time when so many people were judging me because of my size and appearance, Taylor was always kind to me and I’m so grateful that life reunited us in this amazing, fun way! I’m so proud of her and I absolutely loved meeting Jimmy Marlow V as well, they have the best energy together! One of the coolest parts of today: I basically grew up at NBC CT – my dad ran the audio board for the morning news for so many years, so it’s such an honor to be on the channel that introduced me to the world of TV! Dreams are continuing to come true!! God/Universe is SO GOOD!

I want to let every single one of you know that you can do absolutely anything you set your mind to when you’re on your own team. Be kind to yourself, love yourself so much, and believe in yourself, and you can achieve anything! I love you all. Let’s be healthy together!