Simple and Nutritious Muesli

I’ve been wanting to make this recipe for a while, and without having a stove, I decided this was the perfect time to try it out. If you’ve been following my blog for some months, you may have seen that I took a trip to Germany this past April. I found it difficult to eat healthy during lunch and dinner there, but there were typically healthy selections at breakfast. Our hotels provided our morning meal in a buffet style. A staple at almost every hotel was muesli. At first, I wasn’t quite sure what it was, but I saw the raw oats in it and decided to give it a try. It was delicious!

There are many different variations of muesli. The dish is basically a combination of raw oats and various mixed nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and more. While in Germany, I even found a variation that had dark chocolate pieces instead of raisins (needless to say, I fell in love). This dish is perfect for breakfast, a pre-workout snack, or a snack at any time of day. It is full of fiber and contains healthy fats and some protein as well.

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It’s extremely easy to prepare; you just need the ingredients. I visited a local health food store that had a bulk foods area where you purchase as much as you want of a certain ingredient. The items are priced by the pound, so for this recipe, it was very inexpensive. Plus, it was fun to pick out the ingredients! Give this recipe a try and get a little taste of Germany in the comfort of your home!

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Simple & Nutritious Muesli
Serves 1
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  1. ½ cup whole grain oats (I used Quaker)
  2. 1 teaspoon unsalted sunflower seeds
  3. 1 tbsp raisins (no sugar added)
  4. ⅛ cup combination of chopped raw almonds and chopped raw walnuts
  5. 1 tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut/coconut flakes
  6. ¼ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  7. ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
  8. Pinch of nutmeg
  1. Add all ingredients except for the vanilla extract to a bowl. Mix well.
  2. Drizzle the vanilla extract into the bowl and mix in with other ingredients.
  3. Enjoy either by itself or with almond milk, coconut milk, or any milk of your choice!
  1. Calories: about 330 (without milk)
Bri Healthy®